Preparation of Offer Document: Prepare an offer document detailing the funding needs, intended use of funds, and the expected social impact. This document must comply with SSE and SEBI guidelines.
Marketing and Promotion: Promote the funding campaign through various channels to attract potential investors. This can include presentations, roadshows, and digital marketing.
Investor Engagement: Engage with potential investors, providing them with detailed information about the project and its expected social impact.
Subscription Period: During the subscription period, investors can commit to funding the project. The SSE platform facilitates the collection and management of these commitments.
Allocation and Allotment: Once the subscription period ends, funds are allocated and allotted to the social enterprise based on the investor commitments.
Utilization and Reporting:Utilize the funds as outlined in the offer document. Regular reporting to the SSE and investors is required to ensure transparency and accountability.